If you are new to 4chan, then you might want to know how to delete posts on 4chan.
Many users think that there is no way to delete a post on 4chan. But that is not the truth.
You can delete any posts, threads, or comments you have created. But there are a few caveats. We will talk about all of these in this post.
So, let’s jump right in…
Tutorial on How to Delete Posts on 4chan
Method #1 Deleting Posts on 4chan
You can delete a post in 4chan very easily. Here is a step by step guide to it…
Steps to Follow
- Navigate to the post you want to delete. Now, click on the top upper-left corner of the post to select the post by putting a checkmark next to it
- Now, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the ‘[Delete]’ button from the right of the screen
- If you have had created a deletion password while you were posting this post, then you have to enter the password at this moment. And then press the delete button
- However, if you have not created any password earlier, you can still delete the post in a similar way but without having to enter any password. In these cases, your browser should contain the previous cookies when you were submitting the post in the first place
- Also, if you only want to delete the file (like the image) but not the comments, then you can click on the ‘[x File Only]’ button before deleting the post
Additional Notes on Deleting Posts on 4chan:
Typically, when you are submitting a post on 4chan, you can create a password for that specific post.
In that case, you will have to use that password if you want to delete the post later. Otherwise, you will not be able to delete the post.
Plus, if you haven’t created any password while submitting the post, your browser’s cookie will save an automatically-generated password by 4chan. So, if you have not cleared the cookies of your browser.
Also, you will have to use the same browser to delete the post with which you have created the post.
As a result, when you will try to delete one of your posts that don’t have any password, 4chan will read the browser cookie to determine the automatically generated password on its own.
So, you will not have to enter the password, it will be picked up automatically, and you can delete the post as usual. Simply, follow the steps above and you will be able to delete any of your posts on 4chan.
On another note, there are a few types of boards and threads (like sticky) that don’t allow users deleting their posts. So, in that case, you will not be able to delete your post.
What is a ‘Sticky’ in 4chan?
As we have just mentioned that you cannot delete posts on various boards and threads like stickies.
But a lot of new users don’t know about ‘sticky’. To put it simply, the posts that are stuck on top of the board’s index page.
You will see a ‘thumbtack’ icon next to the post number of any stickied thread.
Only the moderators can make sticky posts. And, any users cannot unstuck a sticky post.
Also, if you are sage-bombing, trolling, or reporting a sticky thread, you might get banned. Typically, moderators use sticky posts to share important news, or rules and regulations.
Last Words
4chan is one of the most popular anonymous image broad forums on the internet.
Anybody can post pictures or comments on 4chan. And, you don’t have to create any accounts, username, or password to submit posts on 4chan.
That is why it has become a very popular place for web users to lurk on. Now, if you didn’t know how to delete one of your posts on 4chan, we have tried to show you the method in a step by step manner above. We hope this post will help you in solving this issue.
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